Guide for the research of occupational diseases

Published on: 03/11/2022

guia mutual illnesses research universalMutua Universal has elaborated a 'Guide for the research of Occupational Diseases ' with the aim of helping to associated companies in the legal requirement of researching causes of the occupational diseases or related to the work that have been been able to to produce in its staff. 

Taking as a base the document of the National Institute of Health and Safety at work (INSST) 'case research Procedure of occupational diseases ', this guide provides the implementation of the above-mentioned procedure, offering a summary description of the investigation process proposed by the INSST, as well as of the structure and content of the report of causes that is owed to generate as a consequence.

The guide of Mutua Universal explains the current situation of the illnesses of work origin and related legal aspects, as well as the importance of its management.

Additionally tackles the process description of research, identifying different stock to be carried out in the company, performers concerned and its functions.

In addition, the guide describes the content that, in accordance with the procedure of research proposed by the INSST, he owe contain the report that together with the identification of the illness's causes of work origin owes propose the preventive measures to be implemented in the company to control risks in investigated work the position and in all the with similar risks, in order to to prevent that the damage turns around to materialise. 

Published on: 03/11/2022

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