New application form for self-employed workers protected by the INSS

Published on: 19/05/2020

On the basis of additional conditions Tenth and Eleventh of the Royal Decree-Law 15/2020, of 21 April, of complementary urgent measures to support the economy and the employment, Freelance workers or Self-employed workers that did not choose some Collaborative Mutual Society for the management of certain provisions of Social Security Institute, in the prescribed time (up to the end of June 2019), they should choose, to cause right to this provision, to espouse a Mutual Society. 

For this, put at your disposal an online form that him will allow carrying out in a just procedure the adherence to Mutua Universal and the application of the extraordinary benefit for cessation of activity for self-employed workers affected by the crisis brought about by the COVID-19.

The period for requesting this benefit has ended.