Prevention of the exhibition to Radon in the workplace

10.00 - 11.30 am


  • Associated companies. Associated self-employed workers people.

Given by

Montserrat Vega CastilloOccupational Hazard Prevention Technician


Technical meeting


The Radon, a major stranger. About
Current situation of my company Me affects?
In what municipality are?
Legal obligations. New normative framework Is identified in my Risk assessment? It would owe?
Preventive measures and proofreaders How act against the radon?
Good work experience programs and resources, in your company (and at home).


Know the radon.
A carcinogenic risk to which all can be exposed, in great or smaller measure, according to our geographical location and/or my company's activity. It finds out your specific situation.
Know obligations and novelties that establishes the Royal Decree 1029/2022 on ionising radiations.
Know as to act to reduce the exhibition to radon.

Online session