Cardiorespiratory unemployment: what need to know?

Topics: Health | Types: Article
Published on: 26/04/2018

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  • The unemployment cardiorrespiratorio (PCR) is a situation that is produced with the sharp interruption, unexpected and potentially reversible of the mechanical activity of the spontaneous heart and breathing.
  • A sharp cessation is produced as a result of it of the transportation of oxygen to the periphery and to vitals.
  • In Europe every year die around 364,000 people for an attack sincerely. Death that often you would be able to avoid if carried out the cardiopulmonary resuscitation was had (RCP) in the moment in which the problem is initiated.
  • It is estimated that 70% of the PCR that they happen out of the hospitable field happen in the address and that, of all of them, 60% are witnessed by witnesses (relatives, friends...)
  • Therefore, is of vital importance the examination of this situation and the immediate beginning of the manoeuvres of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, given that for every minute that is lost, decrease in approximately 10% possibilities of recovery of the person.

The chain of survival

Arrive at to save a life supposes to follow a sequence of steps. Steps known as curtain rings that they form the “chain of the survival” and that they are of vital importance.

The chain of survival
Source: European Resuscitation Council (ERC)

How can recognise a heart imminent unemployment?

When a current person a very intense pain in the middle of the chest and that it does not disappear after 5 minutes of repose, is had to suspect of a heart attack. The pain can be located in the chest, but you can spread for the arm, the jaw or the neck.

Before such suspicion, will be owed to call immediately to the telephone of emergencies to remark the situation. The only telephone of emergencies in the countries of the European Community is the 112.

What do before an unconscious person?

Check the reply

When we have a person before us that it has possibly suffered an unemployment cardiorrespiratorio, will proceed to carry out the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (RCP). To recognise the situation and to act of the way more suitable, will follow a tidy sequence that us will provide the work.

Bring closer in a sure way

We will approach the casualty carefully, ensuring us that there is no danger not even for ourselves not even for the casualty not even for nobody that is close.

Check the reply

We will shake carefully, will call and we will stimulate the casualty asking him aloud: “Good is found?”

If the person does not reply us or it does not react before our stimuli will consider that is unconscious.

What steps have to follow to consider if the person breathes?

Consider if it breathes

One of the problems of the victims unconscious and that belly is found in tall is that the language can block the by air, situation that we would be able to solve easily throwing the head back and lifting the mentón. With this technique will avoid that the fall of the language obstructs the entrance of the air in the lungs. To take her to cape:

  • We will put to the casualty belly arrives on an area the hardest possible
  • We will place a hand on the front and two fingers on the mentón as well as we do to swing the head softly towards back
  • With this simple technique, called manoeuvre front-mentón, will open the by air, which it allows that the air pass to lungs

We check if it breathes

We check if it breathes

As well as we maintain the open by air, will check if it breathes with normality. For this we will approach the casualty and:

  • Will watch if it gets up the chest
  • We will listen if there is some respiratory noise
  • We will feel the breath of the breathing in the cheek

In what moment is advised to call to the 112?

If the casualty does not answer and it does not breathe with normality, then:

  • If we are alone:
    • Will call to the 112 to request an ambulance
    • If know the existence of a DEA (Automatic External Defibrillator) very close, will go and search it
  • If we are accompanied:
    • Him will request to the other person that calls to the 112
    • Below, and if know the existence of a very close DEA, him will send to search it
    • The person that carries out the call to the 112 will have to give all requested details and to expect the confirmation of the operator before hanging the telephone.

Outline of activity before a stop cardiorrespiratoria

Outline of activity