Article 13.1 (RDL 30/2020) New extraordinary cessation of activity benefit for self-employed workers affected by temporary suspension of all activity as a measure of containment of the propagation of the COVID-19 virus.

Published on: 06/07/2020

 The period for requesting this benefit has ended.


  • Be members and in registration in RETA/RETA-sea at least 30 calendar days before the date of resolution that agrees the cessation of activity.
  • Find aware of payment of the fees of the Social Security Institute.
  • If in the date of suspension of the activity do not fulfill the requirement, invitation will be studied to the payment so that within 30 calendar days enters owed fees. The streamlining of the overdraft will produce full effects for the acquisition of the right to the provision.


  • 50% of the minimum base of contribution that it corresponds to the developed activity.
  • An increase of 20% if is member of a large family and only income of the family unit or analogous during that period come from its suspended activity.
  • When they coexist in the same address two or more members, united by familiar or unit link analogous of coexistence, with a right to this provision, the amount of each one of the provisions will be of 40% being not of application the increase of 20% mentioned in the previous section.


  • From the next day to the adoption of the measure of adopted activity close by the statutory authority and it will finish the last day of the month that remembers its uprising.


  • They must remain of registration in the RETA/RETA-sea while it remains the suspended activity.
  • They will be disburdened of the obligation of quoting.
  • This exoneration period understands from day one of the month in which the measure of activity close is adopted until the last day of the next month in which gets up the measure.
  • This period will be considered as quoted and contributions will will be assumed by companies that they cover the provision.
  • The contribution basis will be the one established in the moment of beginning of the provision and it will remain during all the period of perception.


  • With the perception of a remuneration for the development of a work as an employee, unless income of the work as an employee are lower than 1.25 times the amount of the minimum wage.
  • With the payment of another activity on a self-employed basis.
  • With the perception of yields from the society whose activity affected by the close has been seen.
  • With the perception of a provision of Social Security Institute incompatible with the payment of the activity that it developed (TEMPORARY DISABILITY, SREL, CUME).
  • With aids for paralysation of the fleet.

Cooperatives Hard-working members of Work 

  • They can access this provision if they fulfill the requirements established in this provision and they have chosen the framing such as freelance workers in the special scheme that it corresponds.

Compatibility with the Ordinary Cessation of Activity 

The time of perception of the provision does not reduce periods of provision for ordinary cessation of activity (POCATA).

Terms of application

  • In the first 15 next days to the coming into force of the agreement or resolution for close of activity.
  • If the application is presented out of the prescribed time, the right to the provision the same day of the application will be initiated.
  • Even when the application is presented out of the prescribed time, the exemption of the obligation of quoting account from day one of the month in which the gubernatorial authority has determined the ban of the activity, although the period between that first day and the date of the application will not be understood as quoted, not assuming the contribution companies that cover these provisions.

Resolution of the application 

  • Companies that cover these provisions will dictate provisional resolution that it is coming from, estimating or rejecting the right.

Review of the provisional Resolutions 

  • It will give once completed beginning the measure of activity close.
  • If the interested party does not have right to the provision:
    • procedures of claim will be initiated of the unduly perceived amounts.
    • In addition, the worker should enter the contributions corresponding to all the period of improper perception of the provision.

Documentation to be presented

  • Communication informing of the no. of members that they integrate the family unit and if one theirs is or it can be its recipient provision of cessation of activity or if it has some another type of income.
  • Sworn statement of the income that they receive as a result of the work as an employee.
  • The recipient of the provision has the obligation of presenting a certificate of company and the annual tax return to the managing entity of the provision when thus requires him to him.

New criterion on right to extraordinary benefit of cessation of activity for self-employed workers affected by a temporary suspension of all the activity as a result of resolution of the statutory authority.


Rectification of applications already submitted