Guide to do the purchase

Published on: 09/05/2019

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Because of social changes that has experienced the existing society, it is usually to carry out a purchase quincenal or monthly of foodstuffs. For this reason, it is owed to plan the diet and to carry out a purchase in an intelligent way. 

It is necessary to select live foods and also those products that they can help to carry out a balanced diet easily although little time is had: frozen, conserves, etc.



  1. To achieve an intelligent purchase, nourishing and economic, is owed to plan with time what type of foodstuffs is needed and in what amount. 

  2. Is recommended to go out to buy with the list of foodstuffs and without hunger. It is advised to take a tentempié before doing the purchase. 

  3. It is necessary to check the tagging of the product, its expiry date and the quality of the container. They must reject products with broken or dinted containers, with flawed labels, defrosted, etc. 

  4. It is necessary to ensure of that foodstuffs (vegetables and vegetables, the fish, etc.) do not present alterations in the colour, the smell, the texture, the aspect and the quality. 

  5. It is owed to maintain the chain of cold. It is appropriate to charge first feedstocks, followed by fresh airs, as fruits or vegetables, later on the milk and refrigerated ones and, lastly, frozen foods, for those which the use of a thermal stock exchange is recommended. 

  6. It is necessary to make good use of products of season. They are of finest quality and flavour, and they result more economic. 

  7. When arriving at house, is significant that foodstuffs that require refrigeration are saved quickly in the refrigerator or in the freezer, conveniently protected and without the raw products are in touch with which are already cooked. 

  8. When it is necessary to defrost a food, it is necessary to do it properly, putting it first in the refrigerator. Then one can already heat or to cook if is necessary. 

  9. Some frozen products, as prefried vegetables or potatoes, can cook without defrosting.


Guide to do the purchase