Latest Social Aid news

Published on: 18/11/2015
Mutua Universal grants more than 5,500 social benefits in 2016

Mutua Universal grants more than 5,500 social benefits in 2016

The Special Benefits Committee of Mutua Universal has processed during the exercise of 2016 a total of 5,689 aids, of which 1,757 families have been benefited. The value of the granted aids in 2016 ascends to 2.067 million euros, which means a rise of 65% in the period between 2012-2016. ...

Mutua Universal committed to workers with disability

Mutua Universal committed to workers with disability

On 3 December the Disabled people' International Day is celebrated, whose objective is to mobilise to the town to improve the inclusion of disabled people in the society and in the development.


Mutua Universal's Work Reintegration Programme, an opportunity for the future

Our work reintegration programme not only allows people who have suffered an ensuing disability to find a job, but also to improve their self-esteem and to improve their social and family situation. If a worker has had a work-related accident but continues to suffer damage even after the recovery process which means that they cannot continue doing the same work as before, they have the right to receive the benefit for Total Permanent Disability.

Learn more about the Dependence Law

Learn more about the Dependence Law

In response to the aging and rise of the town shop assistant, 2007 entered vigor the “Dependence Law”. This law takes place in a social context in which exist 2 million dependent people in Spain from a total of 46 million inhabitants, which means 4.35% of the total of the Spanish town.


Telehealth, peace of mind for everyone

Home telehealth is a home-aid service that is done through an electronic device (portable transmitter) connected to the telephone network, which allows the holder to seek attention immediately in the event of a persona, social or medical or practitioners. This way, older people and/or with disability that live or remain alone, can tell of risk situations. 


ALGO+ congress, people that inspire

On 21 October the Congress was celebrated “ALGO+” that every year organises the Fundación Randstad together with the Fundación “Which real matters” and whose main goal is the promotion of securities as the perseverance, the confidence, the friendship, the overcoming, or the courage, among others, applied to the business world.

Mutua Universal, a pioneer in offering special assistance to self-employed workers

Mutua Universal, a pioneer in offering special assistance to self-employed workers

Our company was the first Collaborative Mutual Society with the Social Security Institute to offer a specific social benefit to self-employed workers. The new social benefit to prevent the closing of the business aims to protect this particularly vulnerable collective as regards temporary incapacity to work.
