Latest Social Aid news

Published on: 18/11/2015
‘Yo puedo’, el nuevo e innovador programa de coaching de Mutua Universal

‘I can’, the new one and innovator coaching programme of Mutua Universal

Mutua Universal has created 'I can’, a programme of coaching directed to all its fellow employees that have suffered a serious work-related injury and/or incapacitante that them supposes an aggression to its physical integrity and psychological, and it does not allow them to follow with its day by day work and staff.

Mutua Universal participates in the State Congress of the Association of Social Work and Health

Mutua Universal participates in the State Congress of the Association of Social Work and Health

The team of social workers of Mutua Universal participated in the XIII State Congress of the Association of Social Work and Health that it took place days 10, 11 and 12 May in Pamplona. This Congress expects to generate a space of meeting scientist for the field of the health social work.

Helping who more it needs: services and provisions set aside for to help to the workers and to its families

Helping who more it needs: services and provisions set aside for to help to the workers and to its families

The Organisation of the United Nations, in the International Day of Families that every is celebrated 15 May, this year highlights the big role of the families to fulfill the Objective of Development number 16: promote fair societies, peaceful and inclusivas.

Mutua Universal offers four new social benefits for self-employed workers

Mutua Universal offers four new social benefits for self-employed workers

Mutua Universal presents four new social benefit lines set aside for protect to the freelance workers that are found in situation of temporary disability or permanent, due to work-related accident or occupational disease, and that they present a situation of vulnerability in its family unit. ...

AICA organises a workshop to demonstrate the benefits and aids from mutual societies for companies and their workers

AICA organises a workshop to demonstrate the benefits and aids from mutual societies for companies and their workers

The Business people Association of Alcobendas – AICA has organised in its headquarters a workshop of risk prevention at work to inform to the employers and workers of the profits that they have via mutual societies of work and that it has had the share of Mutua Universal. The main goal of this workshop has been to share with participants profits of a good management by the employer with its mutual society of the work. 

Mutua Universal grants more than 3 million euros in social benefits in 2017

Mutua Universal grants more than 3 million euros in social benefits in 2017

The Special Benefits Committee of Mutua Universal, collaborative mutual society with the social security, processed during 2017 a total of 6,008 applications of social benefits, through which granted an accurate value of 3,058,567euros, about 47’4% more than in the previous year. ...

The programme of work reintegration of Mutua Universal is presented in the Congress of Social Action

The programme of work reintegration of Mutua Universal is presented in the Congress of Social Action

Mutua Universal has participated in the first Social Action Congress of Catalonia, an event directed to the creation of knowledge between professionals of the field of social services, with the presentation of an explanatory poster of the social aid program and work reintegration of the company.

Round table to ponder on the amputation

Round table to ponder on the amputation

On 26 June, the association Amputats Sant Jordi organised in Barcelona a low round table the title “Day Zero: Reflections on the amputation” in which Mutua Universal contributed its experience in the reintegration member work of workers that they have suffered an amputation derived from a work-related injury.

Mutua Universal grants 60% more social benefits compared to the same period in 2016

Mutua Universal grants 60% more social benefits compared to the same period in 2016

Mutua Universal has granted, during the first four month period of the year, aids valued at 831,648 euros, which means a rise of 60% with respect to the same period of 2016. The company is making efforts to raise awareness regarding social benefits among the workers of its associated companies, associated self-employed workers and families.

Conference on emotional growth and strengthening at Mutua Universal Seville

Conference on emotional growth and strengthening at Mutua Universal Seville

The Mutua Universal Social Work Department has organised in Seville a session on self knowledge and personal growth for protected workers who, after suffering a work-related accident or occupational illness, have been included in the Work Reintegration Programme of the mutual society. ...
