Notice to suppliers

Published on: 08/02/2022

We inform you that we have detected recent attempts of suplantación of the identity of Mutua Universal, via messages of email that they simulate be of some department or person of Mutua Universal (Government Procurements or similar).

These attempts have for objective to obtain information, especially related to the invoicing, to carry out subsequent activities of suplantación and fraudulent charges. From Mutua Universal them warn that these mails have not been issued by our Company and they lack validity. 

It is fundamental that are alert and they take the precautions necessary to protect to both parts against these scam attempts. Specifically, is very significant that identify these mails' authority, that they are similar to:

  • @

In any case are not sent from the authority of mail universal mutual society's officer:

Fraudulent mails usually make reference to dossier or contract numbers in which you have been selected tenderers, information obtained of the National Procurement Platform, and they request the shipment of invoices related to those contracts, claiming the review of possible errors, changes in the process of digital signature, etc. Before any doubt on the authenticity of a mail, do not reply to the same, avoid to open attached files and they never visit well-proportioned links.

If for some reason have interacted or well-proportioned the requested information in the fraudulent mails, them beg get in touch with its usual or responsible for interlocutor contract in Mutua Universal. 

We thank its attention and cooperation.