Mutua Universal in figures

Published on: 18/02/2016

Knows the principals magnitudes that they define to Mutua Universal, as well as all outstanding landmarks and details of the management of the updated Company at the close of the exercise corresponding to the year 2022.

During this period Mutua Universal has obtained some incomes for social contributions of 1,493 million euros, with an increase of 15.45% with respect to 2021. The profit for the year to be distributed has been of 56.75 million euros.

The figure of people insured workers and associated is placed at 1,638,3631 and the number of associated companies is 157,985.

Centres of assistance of Mutua Universal have received 1,465,476 visits and carried out 513,909 sessions are had of rehabilitation and 12,975 enquiries of telemedicine.