How to improve the activity of the dream?

Published on: 03/05/2019

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Have dinner moderately

Going to sleep whilst your stomach is digesting after a large dinner can cause difficulties in getting to sleep. Furthermore, a large meal encourages the onset of gastroesophageal reflux, which causes heartburn. On the other end of the scale, hunger makes you restless, making it much harder to relax and therefore get to sleep. A moderate dinner and waiting an hour or two before going to sleep are measures that are recommended to facilitate getting to sleep.  

Avoid exciting drinks

Are owed to avoid exciting drinks, as the tea, the coffee or sodas with caffeine and the cocoa, few hours before sleeping. These drinks contain methylxanthines, that they are exhilarating of the central nervous system, in such a way that they generate excitement psicomotriz. It is recommendable to drink a hot glass of milk, since it contains triptófano; some studies maintain that this substance, that it is an essential amino acid, promotes the relaxation. Additionally certain infusions, as the lime tea or the valerian, have a sedative effect that promotes the relaxation.

Place in a relaxed posture

People usually sleep on their side. Some people sleep on their back (supine position) or front (prone position). These postures are picked up in childhood, and, once incorporated, help you to relax and induce sleep easily. In normal circumstances, people look for the position that they find most comfortable and relaxing; nevertheless, the loss of physical autonomy can make it more difficult to relax. In these cases, caregivers must ensure that their bodies are aligned correctly, and keep them in an anatomically correct position to avoid any pain caused by muscle contractions. 

Surround of a reliable environment

A well-known environment, that it gives physical and psychological security, provides the relaxation. Especially children need to surround or have close significant objects that give them security and a certain control on the environment. Adults do not usually need so much to surround of significant objects, but yes to carry out certain previous habits at once of turning in and, sometimes, to have elements that allow them more feel comfortable, pillowy certain or type of mattress. When the person has autonomy, usually uses the environment adapting it to its tastes; however, when it has a limitation can need of others to achieve it.

Because of this, for people not self-employed workers, to adapt the environment to its preferences and tastes as far as possible contributes to a good quality of the dream.

The comfort also is related to the body temperature. Some researches indicate that to reach a nice body temperature in a passive way, that is, produced through contacts with objects that transfer heat (hot water bags, electric blanket, etc.), increases the deep sleep (phase IV), which is especially recommended in the older people (Montgomery, 2002).  

Sleep good and to rest assistance to improve the physical activity and intellectual

A person that it does not sleep satisfactorily undisguised tiredness, mistakes in the conscience, cognitive depreciation, decrease of the perception of sound and visual stimuli, and decrease of the motor activity (Czeisler, 2002). Because of this, it is alerted that a quality of dream loss-making and, therefore, a decrease from the reply to the stimuli has impact in the academic achievement and work, and it increases the risk of accidents. Establish regular hours and to dedicate spaces during the day to the break or the nap will help to improve the physical yield and the emotional equilibrium. Some studies estimate that “throw a nap” of 10 minutes increases the work yield 15%. 

Dose the degree of activity

Although it might seem necessary to be active while awake to become tired enough to rest and relax, this activity level should not reach a point where you become excited and unable to disconnect, physically and mentally.

Therefore, if this energy is measured out and you improve how you face your emotions, this will facilitate relaxation and make it easier to get to sleep, which will be more restful.  

Respect schedules that brand the body clock

Social family responsibilities and demands compel, almost always, to prioritise other activities with respect to the to sleep, and they take to many people to have non regular schedules that interfere the rhythm of turning in and to get up, which affects consequently to the quality of the dream. Being aware of how important your biological clock is will contribute to a good night's sleep, good physical and intellectual performance and emotional balance.