Published on: 31/08/2018

In Mutua Universal us sum one more year to the commemoration of the European Week of the Mobility (SEM).

This initiative emerged in Europe in 1999 and starting from 2000 had the support of the European Commission, celebrating since then annually via the performance of activities to promote the sustainable mobility and to promote the development of good work experience programs and permanent measures.

The topic chosen by the European Commission for the campaign of this year 2023 is “Energy efficiency” and the slogan for this and next few years will be

 "It combines and get around!"

The European Week of the Mobility, which the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge is national coordinator, is a campaign directed to sensitise to the society on profits so much for the public health as for the environment associated with the use of transportation ways more sustainable as the public transport, the bicycle or displacements on foot.

From Mutua Universal point out the importance of adopting a mobility Segura, Sustainable and Healthy.

The active mobility, preferably displacements in bicycle and on foot, has a fundamental impact in the health in its overall conception: physics and mental. That is why, add to the slogan of this year our three S:

Energy efficiency; it combines and get around of way Segura, Sustainable and Healthy