Questions and answers on the new one coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)

Published on: 28/01/2020

What are the coronavirus?

The coronavirus are an extensive virus family that usually affect to the animals. However, some are zoonotic viruses, which means they spread from non-human animals (usually vertebrates) to humans.

What produce the coronavirus in the people?

Coronavirus are a family of viruses that can cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases, such as the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV).

Animals transmit the new one coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 to the human being?

The source of infection is low research. There is the possibility of that the initial source can be some animal, given that first cases were detected in people that they worked in a market where there was presence of animals.

What are the symptoms of Covid-19?

With details that are had to this day, most common symptoms are: cough, sore throat, fever and shortness of breath.

In the more severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia, significant difficulty to breathe, renal mistake and even the death. More severe cases, in general happen in people old women or that they suffer one another illness.

How the infection is transmitted?

For analogy with other caused infections for similar virus, the transmission would be via the contact with infected animals or for direct contact with respiratory secretions that are generated with the cough or the sneeze of a sick person, with another person's mucosae (nose, mouth eyes).

It seems little probable one the transmission for the air to great distances of one or two metres.

Which is the period of incubation of the virus?

According to preliminary data of the outbreak, Chinese authorities have calculated that the incubation period of SARS-CoV-2 is 2 to 12 days, with an average of 7 days. For analogy with others coronavirus it is estimated that this period would be able to be of until 14 days.

There is a processing for the COVID-19?

There is not a specific processing for the new one coronavirus. Yes there are many processing for the control of its symptoms which is why the healthcare improvement the prediction.

What can do to protect me?

Is advised to the town and to the health staff to follow individual protection generic measures to reduce the omnibus risk of respiratory infection transmission acute: 

  • Carry out a hygiene of frequent hands (washing with water and soap or alcoholic solutions), especially after direct contact with sick people or its environment.
  • Avoid the narrow contact with people that show signs of afección respiratory, as a cough or sneezes.
  • Maintain a distance of a metre approximately with people with acute respiratory symptoms of infection.
  • Cover the mouth and the nose with disposable handkerchieves or with a cloth when coughing or sneezing and wash up hands.
  • These measures, also, protect when dealing with more common illnesses as the flu.
  • For the time being there is no vaccination that it can protect to the people.

What have to do if I have travelled to Wuhan or China and me meeting ill?

If in two weeks subsequent to the return of a trip to the city of Wuhan respiratory symptoms are presented must communicate it to health services.

What is an Emergency of Health Public of International Importance?

The International Health Regulations (2005), or RSI (2005) establishes the figure of the Emergency of Public Health of International Importance (ESPII), before extraordinary events that it is determined that constitute a public health risk of other States because of the international propagation of an illness, and they would be able to demand a coordinated international response.

On Thursday day 30 January the second meeting of the Committee was celebrated of Emergencies of the RSI (2005) with regard to the outbreak for new coronavirus 2019 (SARS-CoV-2) in the Popular Republic of China. As a consequence of deliberations, the Managing Director of the World Health Organization declared that the above-mentioned outbreak constitutes one ESPII.


Fuentes: World Health Organization and Ministry of Health Care of the Government of Spain.