In accordance with that established in the current regulations with regard to data protection, Mutual Society Universal-Mugenat, MCSS Number. 10 (hereinafter Mutua Universal), with ID number G08242463 him informs that the legitimation of the processing of its details is the consent, and that personal details that they appear in the form completed and those which subsequently are obtained during the development of the meeting (including filming and recordings if it had them) will be made with following aims:
- Control of assistance to Meeting of Technical Orientation that are given within the framework of Plan of Preventive Activities
Its details will be saved during the minimum term of established conservation for the current legislation, as well as for the attention of the possible responsibilities born of the processing and only during their limitation period.
We inform you of the existence of the right to withdraw the consent at any time, without it affects to the legality of the processing based on the prior consent to its retreat.
I have been learnt more about my right to practice my access rights, rectification, suppression, limitation, opposition and/or portability addressing to the Delegate of Data protection (DPD) of Mutua Universal through email to or by mail to the following address: Av. Tibidabo, 17-19) 08022) Barcelona.
I have been learnt more about my right to present a claim before the Spanish Data Protection Authority (AEPD) via its website