What can I do to reduce my risk of breast cancer?

Published on: 03/10/2018

The code of the European Commission against the cancer leaves absolutely of course the allowance is, together with the tobacco and the exhibition to substances carcinógenas, one of the most important factors related to the cancer.

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Modifiable risk factors (factors associated with lifestyles) 

During last years numerous studies have been done on the relationship between diet and cancer, and, although results sometimes are contradictory, yes a direct relationship has been established between some tumours' appearance and food habits. In fact, certain dietetic guidelines can be more determinant in the appearance of some cancer types that the genetic inheritance. As a result, many cancers you can avoid if a healthy way of life is adopted.

In normal conditions the immune system detects and it destroys malignant cells (also known as carcinogenic or cancerous) with typical features of behaviour and rampant growth. This system needs, to work in an optimum way, certain nutrients (basically vitamins and minerals) that they contribute a balanced diet. The malnutrition, this is, the lack not only quantitative, but also qualitative in the usual allowance, has repercussions negatively in the immune system, since it decreases its preventive effectiveness in the development of tumours.

Furthermore, the cancer affects directly the nutritional status, since it alters the metabolism of the body and it causes a loss of appetite. As for the metabolism, the demand of energy is increased (that is, more calories are needed) and individual changes are produced in the skills of the body to decompose carbohydrates, proteins and fats. All of this causes the loss of muscle and fat. The loss of the associated appetite with the cancer probably is the result of physical changes, but also can have to to a psychological reply to the illness.

For everything that it is necessary to do a good prevention, following some habits of diet correct, that is, adopting a healthy diet. Additionally during and after the processing (whether it is surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy) it is very significant to maintain the best possible nutritional status, since all these processing, in smaller or greater degree, originate a series of digestive alterations, as they can be: loss of appetite, nauseas, vomits, gases, diarrheas, estreñimiento, dry mouth and taste perversions and the olfato.

Diet and cancer: prevention

  • Allowance: Some studies state that rich allowances in fats or poor people in fibre or vitamins To or And they can promote the cancer risk.

  • Obesity: The excess weight increases the cancer risk of sucks, especially in women that have already happened the menopause. 

  • Alcohol consumption: The alcohol consumption increases the cancer risk of sucks.

  • Fiscal year: Different studies have demonstrated that women that do exercise regularly have less risk of developing a cancer (between 30% and 40% less than sedentary women) and, which is why it seems, the estrogen has a significant role in this context. Women with tall estrogen levels they have more risk in the blood of having a breast cancer. The exercise decreases levels of estrogen in the blood and thus it contributes to decrease the cancer risk of sucks in a woman. In addition, after the menopause this hormone produce it fat cells. Women that do more exercise have less fatty and therefore they produce less estrogens. Prevent the breast cancer via the exercise is one of the best practices that a woman can adopt to take care its health.

  • Pregnancy and lactation: 
    - Pregnancy: the first pregnancy after 30 years also increases the risk. 
    - Women that have never had children. 
    - The hormonal therapy substitutiva: this therapy is used to improve symptoms of the menopause and, although studies are not conclusive, seems that long-term would be able to increase the cancer risk of sucks.