Absenteeism in the company

Published on: 21/11/2016

What is absenteeism?

In broad terms, work absenteeism is any type of non-fulfilment of a working day by an employee, due to arriving to work late or leaving early, or missing one or more full days of work.

Types of absenteeism:

  • Justified absenteeism: it consists of legally permitted absences, due to temporary disability as a result of work- or non-work-based accidents or diseases or due to paid legal permissions
  • Unjustified absenteeism: non justified lacks or non-compliance of the work schedule, such as delays, errands, etc…
  • On-site absenteeism: despite the fact that the employee attends their workplace, they dedicate part of the day to activities unrelated to their work. This includes non-productive hours, personal Internet and telephone usage, etc.

Costs of absenteeism

A high absenteeism rate can reduce a company's productivity and affects its organisational efficacy. Labour costs are increasingly relevant: They can be classified thus:

  • Direct costs: wages (workers and substitutes), provisions for sick leave, social contributions,
  • Indirect costs: organisational aspects, training, reduced productivity, complicates planning. loss of Social Security benefits, sanctions, surcharges, etc.

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