Mutual Society for consultancies
We're committed

Published on: 18/02/2016
Published on: 18/02/2016

We commit to your business, customise our reply and you guarantee a quality service so much to your companies such as self-employed workers/ace.

We know that the professional office competes in a highly competitive market, which is transforming quickly because of new technologies, the irruption of new formats and the introduction of other professional groups.

Quality services, customised dialogue, fast responses and effective support are our commitment to each of the offices we collaborate with.

Nos involve in every company or person self-employed worker of the portfolio, because they are your great asset and we collaborate actively to improve your competitiveness, to reduce procedures and to simplify processes.

It interests you that we collaborate with you?

Published on: 18/02/2016

The medical care is which more you imports. And to us, too.

When a hard-working person of your clients/ace has an accident, all our organisation gets started: our medical staff it accompanies during all the welfare process, coordinate processing so that are more effective, arrange visits with specialists via our telemedicine platform and we expedite medical tests to avoid unnecessary waiting lists and displacements. And, of course, via our private area you offer all the information so that you know at all times what etamos doing.

Your clients/ace and your business are our commitment

Your clients/ace are the most significant thing for you, and because of this to build a reliable long-term relationship is essential. When you assign a person contact person, think in it. We behave like a partner that is involved, that knows your day to day, your challenges, your problems, your aspirations and goals. The person contact person is an expert that you will help to improve, to respond to your clients' needs and you will solve any incidence.

You help so that you contribute more value

Personal that your clients/ace are satisfied/ace. And we know how to do it. The service in an office is complex, with numerous procedures, queries and requirements that need an immediate response. To meet your needs, we have designed online tools that will simplify procedures and eliminate paperwork for you, balanced scorecards that will offer you a real-time comprehensive vision of your portfolio and of each client. And all multi devices: tablet, pc, mac or smartphone. From any device. And so that you know what happens in each one of your companies and self-employed workers/ace will have customisable alerts.

Office management

Our management model is flexible, proactive and responds to both your needs and your clients' needs, whatever they are. Especially anyone who requires customised attention, due to their level of importance in your client portfolio.

We believe in the work consultancies and in its importance for SMEs and self-employed workers/ace, economic engine of our society. For this reason, us involve in your day by day and you offer a customised follow-up of each case, company and self-employed worker/to, with high quality tools and services and provisions that you simplify, also, the management of the process of cancellation. 

We speed up the processes and keep you informed at all times so that you can manage the relationship with your clients in a simple, streamlined manner.