Staff blog

Tricks to eat good during the coronavirus

Topics: Health
Published on: 19/03/2020
diet coronavirus

These days exceptional where everything is very changing and we have to adapt us to new situations can not neglect our diet. This has be varied since is fundamental for our physical and mental well-being.

After a few meeting at home, ideas leave exhausting and we can fall in the temptation of neglecting our allowance.

So here go some advice not to forget indispensable foodstuffs these days:

Vegetables, fruits and vegetables

Vegetables, fruits and vegetables are one of our best resources for these days. They contribute lots of nutrients that need and us help to do light digestions.

In addition, ultrafrozen vegetables and vegetables or canned are a magnificent option that you you allow storing without having to go out to buy often these days of confinamiento.

You can innovate with salads that have never had time of preparing for the frantic pace of the day by day, creams of vegetables, to do woks… and to have a snack a skewer of fruit, is an amusing option.


Take you your time to prepare some homemade lentils and also can make good use of to add them to your salad. Chickpeas also are a good option to eat in cold or to do hummus, for example.

Fish, meats, eggz and milk

They are basic foodstuffs and necessary. So turns to them to have a varied diet. It adds hard egg to your salads, do omelettes of vegetables… and combine it with yoghurts, cheese or milk.

When it comes to the meat prioritises the white meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit…) and between fishes these days increases the blue thing, you will contribute more vitamin D. Both the meats and the fishes can consume them frozen.

Dough and rice if it is possible integral

You do not abuse of these foodstuffs, remembers that at this time of working and coexisting at home, does that it decreases the energetic expenditure, consummate them at noon, can use them as a garrison or as a main course, for example in salad.

Moisturize you  

Do not forget that it is significant to follow drinking the recommended amount of water. So avoids sodas and moisturize you of constant way throughout the day.

I peck healthy

It is likely that these days your dietary watch has suffered variations. Recuerda that it is significant to maintain the order and to carry out the three main meals of the day. Avoids to eat to deshoras and remain to stripe with peck the. 

If even so need to eat something between meals, here have some healthy examples:

  • Made popcorns at home (corn + olive oil + pinch of salt)
  • Guacamole + palitos of carrot and / or of zucchini or/and of cucumber or with tostaditas integrals
  • Hummus of chickpea, beet, lentil + palitos of carrot or zucchini, with cucumber or with tostaditas integrals
  • Puñadito of Nuts (pistachios, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds)

It plans the purchase

It revises the pantry before going out, makes good use of which you have at the back of the freezer, organise you not to buy in several days.


It is a good moment to learn to cook. Or to do it in family.

Test new recipes, innovates!!!